Hao-Ning Wu Postdoctoral Research and Teaching Associate About I have been a postdoctoral associate at the Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia since August 2024, working with Prof. Weiwei Hu. Prior to this position, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Mathematics, University of Hong Kong, mentored by Prof. Dong Li. I obtained my PhD degree from the University of Hong Kong in 2023, under the supervision of Prof. Xiaoming Yuan, and completed my BSc degree at Jinan University, Guangzhou, China in June 2019, both in mathematics. My primary research focus is on constructive approximation approaches for problems of continuous mathematics involving functions, equations, and controls. Broadly in analysis and applied mathematics, my research areas lie in the following closely related fields: My curriculum vitae. News Travel Plans Research Repository
See my publications and codes in the databases above or the full list below (click to open):
Here is a word cloud generated from the text data of my research articles using the Text Analytics Toolbox in MATLAB (Sept 2024)
More about Me
Every Chinese name carries a specific and unique meaning, and mine is no exception. Hao (浩) signifies "vast and torrential water," while Ning (宁) represents "to pacify and stabilize." Thus, my name, Hao-Ning, depicts a scene where mighty water finally finds serenity.
Last Modified: Jan 26, 2025 - Athens, GA
Department of Mathematics
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Email xxxx@uga.edu (working) and xxxx@connect.hku.hk (permanent), where xxxx = hnwu
Office 627A Boyd Research and Education Center
Office hours Nil in Spring 2025
Photo by Yanning Chen (HKU Main Building, Dec 2023)
(More Photos)
❏ Approximation theory, applied harmonic analysis, and their applications to mathematical data science.
❏ Partial differential equations (PDEs), integral equations, and their numerical analysis.
❏ Optimization and optimal control for dynamical systems governed by PDEs.
Complete list of publications
Preprint. arXiv:2411.16584
Preprint. arXiv: 2408.14392
Preprint. arXiv: 2305.04820
J. Approx. Theory, 299 (2024), 106013. arXiv: 2205.08218
J. Complexity, 80 (2024), 101789. arXiv: 2209.11012.
PhD Thesis (2023). The University of Hong Kong. HKU Theses Online.
Inverse Probl., 39 (2023), 075005. arXiv: 2201.02979.
BIT Numer. Math., 62 (2022), 1899-1919. arXiv: 2202.13691.
Appl. Comput. Harmon. Anal., 61 (2022), 319-346. arXiv: 2110.06754.
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 43 (2021), A3967–A3991. arXiv: 2011.00433.
Inverse Probl., 37 (2021), 015008. arXiv: 2008.00899.
Collection of slides
I am originally from Wanxian, Sichuan (now Wanzhou district, Chongqing), a city nestled on the banks of the Yangtze River in southwestern China and situated at the easternmost point of the Sichuan Basin. The upper Yangtze River alters her course from northeast to due east here, and soon after, she carves a passage through the majestic mountains at the eastern edge of the basin, famously known as the Three Gorges.
I love exploring the world and am also an avid museum enthusiast, particularly drawn to museums dedicated to natural and human history. Yet, I find little appeal in the realm of postmodern art.
GUANGZHOU, China (June 4, 2019) — I appreciate the mathematical convention of authorship order that Hardy and Littlewood made famous: the authors are alphabetically ordered and everyone gets an equal share of credit. If I have the privilege of working with you, I would be honored to adhere to this tradition.
My Erdős number is 5:
❏ Paul Erdős - George G. Lorentz - Sherman D. Riemenschneider - Raymond H. Chan - Xiaoming Yuan - W.
❏ Paul Erdős - Ralph Philip Boas Jr. - Philip M. Anselone - Ian H. Sloan - Congpei An - W.